Category Archives: Fantasy

Devilish Delights

I’ve reached my initial goal of painting six Chaos Warriors / Chaos Marauders for my Oldhammer Army of Slaanesh. I’m using the list from Slaves to Darkness rather than Warhammer Armies to really get into the background and madness of the Ruinous Powers.

For warband gaming these six will be plenty, but as I do like my ranked up armies, I decided I need a dozen, so I will continue on my quest.

Front view of three Slaaneshi Warriors of Chaos with shields
Rudolphus Lewdgaze, Adalbert Horner and Boris Heartcleaver
Front view of three Slaaneshi Warriors of Chaos with various armaments
Eric Umbrand Earthshaker, Heiner Fiendlein and Sigismund von Klauenburg

I’m using a variety of pastel shades across the figures so each has a distinct look and character, as opposed to the uniform colours I apply for other armies. As a common theme I am painting all weapon blades in shining silver with a blue wash and other metal parts in either red gold or blue silver.

Back view of three Slaaneshi Warriors of Chaos advancing on a house
Lock up your daughters, sons and livestock
Back view of three Slaaneshi Warriors of Chaos attacking a house
There will be feasting in Slaanesh’s honour tonight

Lance and Crossbows

The first detachment of crossbowmen for my Oldhammer Dark Elves is finished. It’s a combination of five metal and five plastic figures from Citadel. For the second detachment I am mixing the plastics with metal Marauder sculpts.

A 10-strong detachment of Dark Elves with crossbows
A detachment of crossbowmen advances

I also completed the first of my Doomdrakes, five Dark Elf knights on Cold Ones. For the mount I went with a classic green scheme which also ties it into the army colours. The rider uses the uniform purple, black and iron with green accents. For this unit I want to use the more unusually shaped old shields. I painted this up very basic and will decorate it later once the rest of the unit is finished (probably with some runes in white).

Right side view of a Dark Elf rider on Cold One with shield and lance
A Doomdrake lowers her lance for the charge

I converted the rider and equipped her with a lance taken from the classic plastic skeleton horsemen. I think the long, slim lance tip fits the Dark Elven style very well.

Left side view of a Dark Elf rider on Cold One with shield and lance
Enemies will get skewered by a lance or mauled by a giant lizard

Pleasure and Pain

Between my Undead and Dark Elves for Oldhammer I’ve been painting a lot of black lately. As a little distraction from all the rank and file for those armies I’ve decided to give the ever colourful Chaos some love.

As a starting point I used the only painted Chaos Warrior I had, a follower of Slaanesh. His base colour was already a pleasing shade of lime green which I highlighted a bit more. I then repainted the metal parts and gifted him a new shield with his patron’s symbol.

Front of Chaos Warrior of Slaanesh in light green armour with maul and shield

Back of Chaos Warrior of Slaanesh in light green armour with maul and shield

The second disciple of the Prince of Pleasure was painted from scratch. The careful mixing and layering of the pink armour was a painful process at times, but in the end I was ecstatic with the result.

Front of Chaos Warrior of Slaanesh in pink armour with sword

Back of Chaos Warrior of Slaanesh in pink armour with sword

Lead Belching Machinery of Destruction

I am terrible at painting war machines, never quite being able to finish the machine and all its crew. Seeing the splendid results on Azazel’s Bitz Box of what can be achieved with some dedication towards the Machineries of Destruction I decided to do better from now on.

First up in my collection of now fully battle ready artillery is the Lead Belcher organ gun designed by Kev Adams for my Oldhammer Orcs & Goblins.

Front view of the Lead Belcher on the battlefield
Pointing the barrels in the right direction is a promising start

I happily took the shortcut of only painting three crewmen, which are required for the organ gun to be mobile on the battlefield. The additional crew are likely to find their way into the baggage train I am planning to build (one day).

Goblin crewmen for the Lead Belcher
Wat yu laffin’ at?

The second-hand set came with only two of the original wheel scythes, so I replaced them all with plastic scythe blades from the old Skeleton Warriors set.

Side view of the Lead Belcher with scythed wheels
Lotssa slicy bitz
Rear view of the Lead Belcher pointing at a unit of Orc Arrer Boyz
Kil ’em ded

Salute 2015 – Fantasy

Fantasy wasn’t a strong category at Salute 2015 this year, with most tables being small demonstration games run by publishers. “The Relief of Nordheim” by ‘Ardhamma however proved a noteworthy exception – an Empire town defended by an alliance of Humans and Elves was under attack by the forces of Chaos, Orcs & Goblins and Barbarians, played out using Warhammer 3rd Edition rules.

The defence of the town of Nordheim
Many valiant hedges stand in the way of the forces of evil
The defenders of Nordheim line up outside the ramparts
Colourful mercenary pikemen form the backbone of Nordheim’s defence
Winged lancers crossing a bridge
Winged lancers are crossing the last bridge
Large units of Goblins march in support of the Chaos forces
Hordes of Goblins swarm across the countryside

Midlam Miniatures presented the 2nd edition of their board game Stalagbite! with custom built 3D terrain and the miniatures from their range.

The God Stalagmite at Salute 2015
Don’t touch the God Stalagbite!
Dwarfs exploring the caverns underneath the Lost Mountains
The dwarfs are cornered by angry stalagbites and creeping jeepers

Another game that caught my eye for its scenery was Frostgrave, in which wizards and their henchmen battle over lost artefacts in an ancient frozen city. Its release date is set for July.

A game of Frostgrave at Salute 2015
Frostgrave by Osprey Games and North Star Figures

Something a bit special once more from Frothers Unite who built a castle and dungeon to purge of filthy creatures while discovering hidden treasures.

A three level dungeon by Frothers Unite in Return to Castle Frötherheim
Three levels of fantasy dungeon goodness in Return to Castle Frötherheim