Category Archives: Salute 2024

Salute 2024 – World War 2

Of course World War 2 was a popular topic for gaming tables at Salute 2024, and here are my favourites.

In the Lard Zone, a section of rubble strewn Stalingrad had been recreated for armoured duels using the What a Tanker! rules.

What a Tanker! by the Too Fat Lardies team
What a Tanker! by the Too Fat Lardies team
What a Tanker! by the Too Fat Lardies team

Planes were the target of the Brecon Wargames Club with their game DAK ATTACK, staging an assault by the Long Range Desert Group on a German airfield.

DAK ATTACK by Brecon Wargames Club

Taking to the skies, Maidstone Wargames Society presented The Summer of 77, a 1/300 Battle of Britain scenario inspired by classic Warlord Books for Boys.

The Summer of 77 by Maidstone Wargames Society
The Summer of 77 by Maidstone Wargames Society

Retired Wargamers Reloaded invited you to Hold Until Relieved, the battle for the Orne crossings in Normandy 1944. The game was played using Rapid Fire Reloaded rules.

Hold Until Relieved by Retired Wargamers Reloaded
Hold Until Relieved by Retired Wargamers Reloaded

Salute 2024 – Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Blasting off my not-as-exhaustive-as-it-used-to-be and much delayed Salute coverage for 2024 is Pendraken with Future War Commander 2.0. There is an impressive range of new 10mm metal figures available from their website but no word on the rules which I believe are figure agnostic.

Future War Commander by Pendraken
Future War Commander by Pendraken
Future War Commander by Pendraken
Future War Commander by Pendraken

The next table by Ashford Gaming Club was clearly not Epic 40k, don’t let your aging eyes deceive you. Very nice swarms of critters, appropriately spawned from bubbling resin pools.

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Epic by Ashford Gaming Club

The South London Warlords had a couple of tables at the show, here a steampunk aerial clash in the clouds.

Space 1889 – Cloudships! by South London Warlords
Space 1889 – Cloudships! by South London Warlords

If you wanted to stride among titans, you had to be a member of the Titan Owner’s Club, but us commoners could at least observe from the sidelines.

Full scale Adeptus Titanicus by Titan Owners Club
Full scale Adeptus Titanicus by Titan Owners Club

The fluffy Burrows & Badgers took a more violent turn in this city siege with looting, pillaging and fires raging through the streets, brought to us by Magrathea.

The Battle of Luneden Stone by Magrathea Builder of Worlds
The Battle of Luneden Stone by Magrathea Builder of Worlds
The Battle of Luneden Stone by Magrathea Builder of Worlds
The Battle of Luneden Stone by Magrathea Builder of Worlds

Finally, the satirical politics and pulp TV themes of Grotesque Gogglebox by BunnyBadgerGames packed an amazing level of detail and flair in very small spaces.

Grotesque Gogglebox by BunnyBadgerGames