Prince Ulther Calls to Arms

I started working on Prince Ulther’s Dragon Company a couple of weeks ago as the first regiment for my Oldhammer Dwarf army. I had the full set originally, but apart from one trooper I don’t know where they might be stashed these days, so I took the opportunity to buy them again a while back. I put down base colours on all 20 fighters, painted their movement tray and am now working on finishing them in groups of three, starting with the command section.

“When Dwarven armies assemble, it is usual for some of the most renowned warriors to form small units of hard-hitting battle-troopers. These fiery Dwarfs will gallantly storm gates and prepared positions.”

This description of Iron Breakers from Warhammer Armies fits these doughty fighters perfectly, so I am fielding them as +3 shock elite with pistols as additional equipment.

Dwarf Prince Ulther, musician and trooper of the Dragon Company
Prince Ulther gives the command to summon his company

Prince Ulther is a flamboyant character with his plumed helmet and richly engraved double handed axe, so I kept with his original paint scheme from the regiment box set and painted his flowing locks and beard a bashful blonde.

Imperial Dwarf Prince Ulther, leader of the Dragon Company
Prince Ulther swings a massive double headed axe in combat, when he is not waiving his helmet around

The symbol of the Dragon Company is a green dragon on a red field. Since that is hard to pull off (at least for me) on small shields with bosses, I went for a very stylised form that can be applied on various shield shapes. Anyone who can guess where I got the inspiration for the emblem from wins nothing in particular but should feel proud of themselves. Hint: the post title contains a second clue.

Back view of Dwarf Prince Ulther and his shouldered shield
Prince Ulther’s shield displays the green dragon that gave the company its name

The musician is a lovely sculpt, a great example of the Perry twins’ gift for sculpting well proportioned regimental figures with the perfect amount of characterisation and detail.

Musician of the Dragon Company with a silver horn
The company musician’s shiny silver horn echoes around the mountains

I can just see this guy blowing his silver horn as the command for the troopers to lock shields and receive a greenskin charge before swinging around his pistol arm and shooting the onrushing goblin champion point blank straight between the eyes.

Back view of the Dragon Company's musician
The horn blower has his shield slung over his back to keep his pistol cocked and ready

I like how the troopers are armoured and armed to the teeth, ready to break any enemy assault and smash their way through into the heart of the hostile lines.

Dwarf trooper of the Dragon Company
Visor down, shield locked in front and axe raised for the swing, this warrior means business
Back view of a Dwarf trooper of the Dragon Company
The Dragon Company’s fighters are wearing heavy steel mail and plate armour

Next up will be the standard bearer, champion and second troopers.

8 thoughts on “Prince Ulther Calls to Arms”

  1. Love these guys, lovely sculpts and you’ve certainly done them justice mate! They really look like they mean business 😎 No clue with the shield inspiration I’m afraid so no browny points for me today, but I love the awesome celtic vibe they bring!


    1. Thanks! For the later Citadel Dwarfs they increasingly took the celtic look too far in my view, I don’t want just stunty Gauls. For that I have my 15mm Carthaginians, somewhere.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Absolutely beautiful! About 25 years ago I gave away all my minis when I thought I’d given up the hobby. I had this box set (£9.95 back in the day – its fetching ten times that now on eBay on occasion isn’t it). Regrets, regrets, regrets… The paint jobs here are a joy, really bringing out the character of the figures – a pleasure to view. Cheers.


    1. Thank you, glad you enjoy them. I bought the set (incl. battered box) for £50 which is about the price of a regiment for games in today’s money. The Buy Now prices on eBay are mostly nonsense in my experience, I’ve rarely paid more for classic figures than I’d expect to pay for new ones in a local hobby store.


  3. I read this post on the bus to work the other day and then forgot to come back and like/post. These guys look great and the sytlised dragon also looks very much the part. I’m impressed with the fine lines you’ve achieved on them as well. I’m looking forward to seeing the build up of your Dwarfs now!


    1. Thank you! I’m usually the same during the week, reading the latest blog posts on the go or quickly before/after work. Nice to see your Norse Dwarfs vs my Imperial Dwarfs taking shape at the same time. I’m making slow but steady progress on Ulther’s company, but will probably take on something else afterwards rather than start the next unit – Bugman’s Rangers.


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